
Showing posts from September, 2023


The traditional nuclear family structure has been a cornerstone of society for centuries, providing a framework for relationships, child-rearing, and economic stability. However, in recent decades, feminists and progressive thinkers have called for the abolition of the traditional family unit as we know it. This movement aims to liberate women from the confines of traditional gender roles within the family at the expense of men and children. It believes that the nuclear family is the product or in this case an extension of a tyrannical male push to enslave women in the subordinate role of mother and strip them of their individuality and power. The central idea of the argument is that women are unwitting and unwilling slaves within the nuclear family unit, burdened by unpaid physical and emotional tabor by men and their offspring  Sophie Lewis is indeed a feminist theorist and geographer who has gained recognition for her vie...

Master Productivity with the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is one of the most popular time management methods. This easy-to-implement system can help boost your productivity and focus. In this post, we'll explain what the Pomodoro Technique is, the research behind it, and how to start using it to get things done. With just a timer and a sheet of paper, you can take control of your time and attention. What is the Pomodoro Technique? The Pomodoro Technique was created in the late 1980s by Francesco Cirillo. The name comes from the Italian word "pomodoro” meaning “tomato” - a reference to the tomato-shaped kitchen timer Cirillo used when first developing the method. It's extremely simple - you work in short bursts of 25 minutes, separated by 5 minute breaks. After 4 work intervals, you take a longer 15-30 minute break. Then repeat. These intervals are called "pomodoros", after the timer. The official Pomodoro timer makes it easy to get started. Why 25 ...